Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lay Down Your Arms and Put Up Your Wiener

My thoughts on the Dick's hunting accident are a few. And what I say here will have no effect on anything, because I have no money, no connections, and no desire to screw anyone who might have the above requirements for a voice that anyone will listen to in this crazy, mixed up world.

The level of decadence of this regime is quite large, extravagant, and have continued to be flaunted without repercussions. Granted this might have gone over a few hundred years ago, but not so much now. Who's with me on this?!?

Now that people realize that you can become a President without any education, savvy, or style (evidently you don't even have to be able to read or write real good)...just a few extra bucks and you either can sleep your way to the top, claim to know Jesus personally, or have a big ole rich daddy...well, you're a shoo in; therefore, Presidents are not ordain by God like royalty; but rather, any smuck can do it. And the VP's that ride their butts to the top are just pennyanny (sp?) sidekicks. My thoughts on the shooting of a friend:

1) Why are you on a vacation when little boy's with bigger guns are killing overseas in your money hungry created war? As a mother, I say that if you want to shoot stuff, then go over seas and get your hands dirty, you coward. You shouldn't get to play Cowboys and Indians with your peashooter while there's a supposed "war" going on. Very bad. And I, Tsk-tsk, you.

2) Why are you on vacation for all the other reasons the country is screwed up?

3) Why are you on vacation when I have not see Halliburton rebuilding the city of New Orleans after all that contract winning? (Oh, that's right, the black people are going to do it for you. Does anyone know the diversity head count of the big H.?)

4) If your job is too stressful, a quick reminder that I didn't pick it for you. And I would like you in your office, doing you damn job, instead of going hunting for other Texans to shoot.

5) Why was the investigation into the "accidental" shooting not done the night of? It has been determined that alcohol was not a factor. Well, sure, by the next morning when the Sheriffs were finally allowed in, you would have pissed it out, it wouldn't be a factor anymore. And don't give me, the I'm the VP crap. You're a public servant, who should have to adhere to the rules of the land, that you've been sworn to uphold, just like the rest of the drunken, aging, shouldn't be shooting cause they might kill someone else, rednecks.

AND, The Dick had to have the story covered up that he didn't even have all of the right documentation to hunt. I can say that the rest of us would have been fined big time. And the repeated phrase that the Dick is very safety conscious. Really?!? My wire tapped ass, my tapped out pocketbook ass, and all of the rest of my fed up ass are not thinking that is very truthie of you. And I guess you couldn't really release any information until you'd seen if you'd killed the man first...then you'd be an animal and man killer. (note: they're the same thing.) And the fact that you were hunting out of sheer decadence really chaps me. You don't need to hunt for food. That means that you think killing is fun. And the killing is fun theme supports all of the other policies and plays that have been put into action during you time in office. I would worry about what I'm saying, but considering you poor shot, I think I may have a good chance of running away.

I would like to know how much of MY MONEY, MY EXACT MONEY IN DOLLARS AND CENTS...went to make sure you got a vacation, got to shoot someone, and had it covered up nicely, etc. I want to know how much we're spending for that crap. And how much the taxidermy bill will be for all the birds you will have stuffed and hung up in the White House for all of us to tour and show our children as your greatest accomplishment...what's the bill on that, too.

And, my last question/point would be...Was Bill Gates with you? I noticed that grants.gov is not Mac user friendly. Something like restricted trade or secret handshaking...or friendly shots fired to insure that somebody gets all the money on that one...Did Halliburtun set that meeting up?

God Bless the one, lone deputy, that I suspect got paid to do it, but did show up to question the Dick , the night of the "shooting", before he passed out from worry, I mean beer. (Invision the mad dash of the Secret Service to hide the Jack Crown Light bottles and cans on the next farm over. I'm sure their suits or whatever are going to have to be dry cleaned. We'll be paying for that, too.)

And all the important stuff I'm missing because you had to shoot a friend, I'm sure is a lot, and that annoys me, too. All the important stories going on that we're missing because you had an "incident".
Nice one, Dick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow.. lol
I need to bookmark you :)
Very good writing, but you are in vein ,since those guys are nothing but pirates and live by the pirates codes.
Kill, maim and plunder and so on.
I've learned their history pretty well.
Since the turn of the 19th century or so they have been organizing strongly to have everything go down the toilet.
That is the Bush family and the others legacy.
From patronizing the Nazis to legalizing the oil cartels and having the backing of the banking institutions to whatever ends to suit their needs.
Once you know all that , you won't even bother to voice yourself, unless you can make the masses to realize the trouble they are in.
Right now Chase (rockefellers) are buying everyone and everything (including other banks, companies and politicians)to make their dream(our worst nightmare) to come true.
The real culprit actually are the
banking industry.
What they say is what goes.

You should make everyone aware of these things and then realization will set in.
People will rise up against this and the world will change into a place of peace and harmony.
There is only one system that works for everyone.
It's the wisdom system.
The wisest will lead and people will agree to the wisdom since it serves everyone best interest.
When people will see this , change will come and there is nothing, that politicians or warmongers and banking cartels can do about it.

I wish you luck in your endeavours.
Pls take care of yourself and do not give into anger or frustration.
They are both very bad councellors.
They will lead you down on a path , that you don't want to walk.
Keep yourself in balance :)

End of story.

My deepest love and respect :)

P.S. I'll keep an eye out on your writings .

The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.