Saturday, February 11, 2006

Guided By Voices That Shouldn't Talk

I have discovered that I am an odd sort. I can offend and bless both equally with lightening speed. And I have discovered that most people never really believe me either though I make everything up, or do the things that I do with an agenda. Both of which give me far to much credit, I should never be accused of thinking things out or through. But, I'm not alone in that habit...the articles that I read this week about how scientists have finally declared global warming to be dangerous for our health...that was fucking brilliant. Hippies have been saying that for quite sometime without getting the zillion dollar paychecks either. Fucking brilliant. Eating shit is bad for you, too. Ok, I said it - where's my money?

And I saw an ad for Corn Cars. They are all still annoying trucks of great magnitude that will insure the continued development of my horn hand...and you have to use something like 30,000 ears of corn to drive the big ass truck around. It may be a little too late...and certainly a long way from the mano and matate. I continued to read articles on emailing privacy invasion for the sake of national security and the imprisonment of child molesters...both fear based reminders of why it's ok for people to snoop. I don't want to be the asshole who says you can't snoop, and I won't give up my rights, cause we might miss a terrorist or a's all very cleverly put to insure we feel bad if we don't give up our rights. And the China hearings with Yahoo snooping and turning over discussions, putting people in jail for talking. Here we go again...history does repeat itself. Doesn't anyone find that a bit boring? It really does come down to money and profit protection. I can't buy stocks because everything is tied to everything bad. It has gotten out of hand this time, with real time global; rather than tribal, implications. I'm positive that even the Owl God is disappointed in us all.

I have a hard time grasping it all, really. The Prez. stating that we're all too dependent upon oil. Man, that's rich. Who rights this shit for him? I, in my uneducated and certainly poor, haze of glory, knew this guarded secret already. And now, our highly guarded, supposedly highly intelligent, fearless leader has gotten wind of it? Maybe since he's driven around and doesn't pay at the pump, and maybe, since we, the taxpayers, pay for his food and light bill, he hasn't noticed the state of the nation, since he hasn't had to personally foot the bill for it. I've never seen him filling his own gas tank and grimacing about the dough he has to lay out just to get to work...has anyone?

(Which list do you think I'll be on for talking smack? And how much is it going to cost the nation for spying on me to find out that I just went to the grocery store today, and had no secret meetings or anything going on? It's going to cost a lot for just the copies and stamped memos alone. Not to mention the person who's going to review my grocery list and the number of toilet paper squares I used throughout the day.)

Again, I wouldn't be in this mess had the hippies, even in their drugged out/rockin' out voices, been listened to. Alternatives have been around for decades, eons. And now, when the ship is in the middle of the sinking process, I am blamed for my oil use? I, who drive a modest car, have not been able to afford to switch to anything else because of the greed of those who hold the energy purse strings. I am to blame? Fuck that, and fuck you. Makers of energy and trucks and hummers alike, really, fuck you. Fuck you from the bottom of my restricted energy heart. I have to wonder what the pocketbooks of those in charge of our energy really look like. I would like a comparison to my check book to those of the energy executives. Yes, let's compare...let's do that.
(very funny website)

I vote we put in a salary cap nation wide, even better, world wide. Why not? I don't mind. I still have plenty of room to grow, and there's always still the option of a career switch if one was to get bored with the field their in. Yes, a salary cap. Who's with me? Don't tell me I cannot dream, or blame, or anything. I can say when people have too much money. I can say that. I've seen it. Example: Watching a guy in his Jaguar driving past this week. He got angry when people who were crossing the street, who had the right of way, got in front of him, and he had to stop short or scratch his car. Idiot, I thought. You don't NEEEED that car, and perhaps if you can't just by another one when it's broken, well then, you're not in the class of people that should own a car like that. Isn't he supposed to be enjoying the drive he was on, with all that power buttons and luxury? Well, I just didn't see it in his face.

I bought my modest car, I smoke in it. Why?!? It's a car, I like to smoke, therefore, the two meet, and often. I can afford to get another car just like the one that I have, if something happens to it. I did not buy out of my means for the sake of looking cool. BECAUSE...IT'S A CAR. If we salary capped, then this man would not have the same stresses that I saw him have on this day. Poor, poor Jaguar man...he's going to have a heart attack - but he's going to look so cool doing it, I guess. We have to look out for the less fortunate, you know. We really do.

It seems very simple to me, the solutions. How about we all start behaving nicer. Stop chasing money, stop being manipulated by shiny commercials that tell us how cool we could be- if only, stop being manipulated by the paid media frenzy of guided bullshit, stop acting like a shitass because you can, and be nicer to the person next to you. How hard is that? How hard is that?

Oh, Owl God, I sound like a fucking hippie. Please pray for me.

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.