Saturday, January 07, 2006

Just Running It Up the Flagpole for the Week with Power Bottoms in Tow

I'm just now catching my breath for the week. I missed two birthday's of two dear friends, and I missed spending more time with a friend from out of town, I still have gifts to mail...shit, what happened?!?
I'm going to combine on this you amy want to print this for toilet reading if you've been constipated and expect it to take a while or perhaps reading in the car on long trips.
My friend did get a new tatoo. Feel free to visit his blog in awe at This is simply the place to start you new year off. He has a wonderful link to getting your very own New Year's Resolution. Mine is to find Bin Laden. I need some maps to the White House for this task, I think.
One the subject of dead miners. Why are we still mining as a job when there are alternatives for fuel? And how can you torture people by saying their family members aren't dead...just joking...they are dead afterall...Ha-Ha. Again, why are we still using coal?
My thoughts on the recent violence in Iraq. I hate to be a conspiracy person, but didn't we just have this calm period, followed by our people asking for military personnel being pulled out, now, there is a ton of violence...could it be planted violence for futher justification of a stupid war to gain access to more oil that we wouldn't need if we started using smart cars? (See Brazil and Ethanol)
Or cars fueled by garbage or sun or etc. This war and the drilling in Alaska are just stupid. There, I've said it...STUPID!!!!!
Here is a wonderful sight that we should all make a permanent favorite. However, it will make you feel a bit dirty when shopping and you turn items over to find out small, starving, children in labor forces world wide made your shit.
"Virtually nothing for sale at Disney is manufactured in this country, or is union-made."
Last time I visited a truckstop, the Mammy Dolls Salt Shaker and Cookie Jar Combo I saw was made in China. No, I didn't buy it. I got the hell out and kept driving North.
Email from a friend: "Some of you may have read that several NBC stations have folded to pressure from some viewers and the AFA to drop the new series "The Book of Daniel". The show, set to premier tonight, features a diverse family including a gay son. Please email your local NBC station and give them your opinion. Here is the address for WOAI in san antonio."

My response:
Thank you for making this so easy for us all. I'm emailing this morning to SA and Austin. I saw some comments about the show, on the news here, where a man was angry that Jesus was being played as someone so "flippant". I wish I could email this man personally.

Since this man didn't know Jesus personally, it's wrong for him to assume that Jesus wasn't flippant. The story is put in the very Bible that so many people read, that Jesus was a man; therefore, he would have had allllllll of the emotions of a man; including those that are not so pretty among us. If we look at the history of Jesus:

(1) He was a rebel against the Roman and Jewish establishment (what rebel can't be accused of a little flippancy?)

(2) He was most probably not white, given the area in which he lived (he is in the show)

(3) If you are Christian, why fear what anyone has to say about you're faith? (if you have faith, aren't you pretty much covered? Jesus didn't care, according to the teachings in the bible...he just did his stuff with a kind heart...reminder that he hung out with lepers and prostitutes without judgment...Can any of these complainers on the news programs say that about themselves? Jesus did not beat Jesus love into people.)

And with the abundance of diverse families, whether gay or otherwise, I do not think that Jesus would mind open and honest learning and discussion, as so many of his "conversations" were recorded for us to supposedly learn from. One thing that was prevalent in the Bible with Jesus, was a lack of harsh judgment on his part, and his death by those that did judge so harshly. Is there not something to learn from that?

If we choose to interpret the teachings of Jesus in that light...are those of us who are different and more excepting, open, with a strive for knowledge and heart...well, are we not closer to the idea that Jesus set forth for the world?

My response when asked about the emails about the Roller Girls show:
I liked the original roller derby women in the 1970s, it really did stand for something at that time. I do not like these "new" versions. It's the group of girls that made me stop getting tattooed. They are not very original, and I expect more out of women these days. We cannot overcome obstacles by piggybacking on someone else's idea. So, I haven't watched or been to any of their events. And to say that perhaps they are paying tribute to those original women, well, that stupid. Again, find your own thing, not someone else's. Are they that tough? Nope.
The one woman who's a teacher by day and a badass by night? (I saw the commercial.) Not that tough. You're either tough or not can't be a half-assed tough person and take the credit. The truck driver, the biker, and the construction worker that I know, that are women...they are fucking tough. And stand any of these girlies against those type of women and the roller skating girls would lose. Deep down, we all have to know that.

In fact, there was a woman who got involved with the Roller Girls at the beginning, that I used to work with. When I first started this job, she thought we were alike because she thought that I was "punk rock" like her. When she found out that I wasn't like her, she spread the rumor that she wanted to kick my ass.

I was pregnant.

But, I still told her, one fine morning shift, that we should do it. I would take her challenge. I knew someone who would set up the ring in the parking lot, and we could get outfits and sell tickets to the fight. I told her, yes, I would welcome the fight, pregnant and all. I said this loudly, in front of everyone. She quietly, very quietly, denied ever saying anything of the sort about me. I replied that it was okay, we should do it anyway. I got very close to her and said...yes, let's do it anyway....I knew that I could take her without injury to me or my child, but, alas, she was not "punk rock" or "tough", but she was a pussy.

And the money making fight never, ever, happened.

Am I that tough. Yes.

Commercialism of culture is paramount and original ideas are not part of this. Campy tributes are bullshit. These girlies are fakers and frauds. And the men who have been participating in this are mostly the same geeks that masturbate to adult cartoons and comic books depicting women with big ole boobies in fights while pretending to be in support for women's rights and the like, just to get an "in" with the women...I'm not fooled. Again, find your own idea, you're own sport, you're own niche...You Cannot Steal Someone Else's Superhero Suit.
And about displays of affection in public...well, we're not the only country against love:
Fuck the murderer and rapists, etc. If you're holding hands, you're the devil.
I learned a new word from someone else who learned a new word. It's really quite fantastic: Power Bottom. I spread the joy and look forward to using this word frequently:
Read and be happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the mention, june. you're spicy and sweet.

The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.