Saturday, December 10, 2005

War...Good God Ya'll,3604,920588,00.html#article_continue

To All:

Three articles, from three creditable sources. I have sat and watched much more of our human history this year. The unfolding of what we will make of ourselves in the world history. I have an American flag at my desk, from a Veterans Day party some time ago, that was made in China, I discovered on the tag. And some time ago, we, at the office, were given coat pens in remembrance of 9/11...they have the twin towers on them, and the American flag, and a big, fat, made in China sticker on the back. We have sold our own flag to China for cheaper labor and mass production.

The past few days I have watched military personnel sending home holiday greetings for their families, played on all the local TV stations. I come from a military family. In fact, I am the only child not to have gone into service. I made this decision based on the repercussions that I saw the military lifestyle inflicted upon my family. I know that the majority of military people that we have sent overseas are children, by most standards, and also, people who couldn't afford to live in our country if they didn't have military income. I have lived in towns where the military is a big driving economy force. My family still lives in towns built around military bases.

I am not against, in any since of the word, the people who have joined the military. They have made the choice to risk their lives for steady paychecks.

I cannot, however, support a war based on causalities and atrocities that were happening long before we got involved. We waited until our own interests we at stake. And then the war has been perpetrated with mis-information and lies...candy-coated bullshit. And if the majority of Americans were more well read, more worldly, we could have made a decision based on those views, not the views fed to us.

John Lennon was shot by a mad man. And I'm not entirely sure myself that I am that fond of John Lennon, I'm not that fond of the Beetles really. However, there were so many people, of so many generations, that mourned his loss...even after 25 years. He is part of our history. Yet, his message has seemed to fall on deaf ears as we buy our flags from China, grab latte that contain not fair traded coffee, and get into our SUVs.

Our suspected "terrorist" list has grown to 80,0000 names. These people are all on the US No-Fly list. This has begun to smell a lot like the Red Scare. And I am not ok not being able to speak my mind. And I am not ok torturing people. And I am not ok, putting military people at risk for a war that could have been prevented. And I'm not ok watching our President talking to his dogs about presents while people are getting shot in the head. Are you kidding me?!?

So, to John Lennon. Slightly weird with his even stranger wife. May your message somehow get through at some point - cause we're dying out here.

-June Doe

what happened to the gunthat killed John Lennoncould we find that gun& melt itpour it down the throatof the man who pulled the triggerthere's a hole that will ever fill Albert Hall& nothing will bring him back
so give me the gun that killed John Lennon
& imagine it a love that has flown
© 2005 R Lance W'ms December John Lennon: Dead 25 Years

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.