Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I Prayed to The Aqua Gator that We Would All Still Have Jobs

I was only at work for four hours yesterday, as I had to go off to Physical Therapy. Only to find out that my physical therapy had been cancelled for about a week due to a paperwork hold up with the Texas Workforce Commission. There is evidently a written part in the ever so lovely new House Bill 7, that makes therapists have to get more authorization after you have authorization...double authorization for your Physical Therapy. I guess the Texas House does need to make sure that while our Tom Delay people are busy cheating the Government, I'm not off having fun in Physical Therapy and cheating the Government, too. I made some calls to hurry the process up. But, I would like it noted that Physical Therapy is not fun, ever. For the most part it is very painful and an annoying part of the process of healing. Tom Delay's cheating looks like it would have been the more fun route to take. I suppose I should have thought that out before I had my accident and shattered my leg bone into a million pieces the surgeon liked to refer to as shards.

I suppose I'm a bit annoyed by the poor people getting the ole fuck stick up the ass, so to speak.

The office is very tense. There will be layoffs this year. Right after Christmas. We all know about it. It's a small office, with some of the supposedly most trusted people who blab. No one's quit sure who's on the list. I'm worried. It's true. We all are. There are tears of worry in a few people's eyes. In fact, two people that I know, this is really going to fuck their lives up for a bit. A few dollars is truly going to fuck them. For as hard a year as it's been on the owners of the business, it's been harder on the rest of us as office staff. And in the case of these two particular staff, they are the good ones, who have bent over backwards time and time again to do their work, and sometimes other people's as well.

One of the higher ups complained about his furniture yesterday. It was top priority. He simply had to have new furniture!!!! This one is a particular sort. He's always been a complainer and a person with a self-imposed sense of entitlement. And none of us knows exactly how to tell him, that when you self-impose entitlement not very many people are going to take you seriously. On the other hand, most of us recognize that his money and his self-entitlement is all he's got. No real personality or cool stuff, just that. The personality of a wet noodle, or a piece of carpet...that's what he's like. Hard to want to strip what little he's got away from him. So, we all let him fret about having a new piece of furniture, and pretend like it's a top priority in the day. Yes, yes, not to worry...we're all on this. Absolutely!!! Not to worry!!!

Poor rich fuck.

And another higher up complained, behind a closed door that we all could hear through, about the agony of one's spirituality and having to make these layoffs. Oh, the horror felt in it all. The guilt, the agony...the sadness... And how sweet, such and such was...but there was a cost of $3,000 dollars a month to the business.

(Without that money, how would we buy mechanical pencils instead of the regular No. 2 ones...How? How I ask you???? How are we going to be able to pay our society club bills???? I have to eat the food there that tastes like old dead money!!!! I have to!!! If I'm not seen there, my reputation will fall in the eyes of all the other rich old fucks! Oh, the spirituality of it all!!!!)

Oh, the heartbreak of it all.

Well, at a salary of $250,000 per year, how much spirituality does that buy a person? I would like to think that if I were making $250,000 per year, that I could afford to curb my lifestyle a bit, in order not to completely wreck someone else's home. I would like to think that I wouldn't feel the need to protect my lifestyle so much that I would need to wreck other people's families. Maybe, I'm not thinking of how expensive one's electricity bill or food bill or gas bill, (the basics of living), gets at that level of salary. I know it costs a lot to heat a huge house full of empty rooms that one is never going to need or use...maybe I'm not cutting people enough slack. That could be true.

But, yesterday what's all doom and gloom. I did go to Community Pool to exercise. This is what you graduate to after pool Physical Therapy.

Now, there are politics that come with Community Pool. And one has to tread lightly, and navigate carefully through it all. You have to pick you alliances and what your offences, etc., among all the retarded people, the gimpy people, the head cases, and the old people. It's the old people that you have to what out for.

There are two Aqua Gators in the pool. These are underwater treadmills. The old people covet them. They will cut you off in the water for them. They have been known to stay on them more than the allotted ten minutes per person in Community Pool, as the posted sign says, just to spite someone else who needs a turn. Yes, the old people can be ferocious. And to top off my already sour mood about sharing, true to form, the old people were in top shitass form about the Aqua Gators yesterday.

It was a bit of a tragedy. One of the Aqua Gators was down for repairs. Lucky for me, it wasn't the one that I preferred to use. The good Aqua Gator was still up and running, a bit of a ray of sunshine.

I started to swim/walk over to it. And was cut off, per usual. So, I decided that I would be a bit of an old lady force myself today. I just didn't have the patience to put up with the people who are supposed to be examples for the rest of us, behaving badly. I wanted my turn at the Aqua Gator as well. I paid my money, I broke my leg, my land therapy was in hold up, I was valid in Community Pool, just like anyone else!!!!!

I stood quite near the Aqua Gator, and politely asked if she minded if I started the line, and could take my turn at the Gator after her...her turn was almost over the ten minute limit...and I intended to stake my claim, and make my presence known.

The old lady replied that she guessed that I could have my turn after her's, but the other lady, who had just gotten into the pool (we're only allowed one hour in the pool each, and my hour would be completed after the Aqua Gator), well the other old lady, who had just gotten in the pool, well, she usually liked to use the Aqua Gator to warm up. One old lady, trying to bully me, in favor of another old lady.

Ok, most times, yes, you would forgo your turn for old people. But, the older I get, and the more bad old people that I see, who were probably bad young people, the less likely I feel like giving up my fucking turn at the Aqua Gator.

I was so grouchy that I wanted to say, Fuck You, You Old Fucking Fuck, Seriously, Fuck You. Oh, I'm getting the Aqua Gator After You...Don't Make Me Tell On Your Going Over The Time Limit Ass!!!! Don't You Make Me Do It!!!!

But, I didn't. In my own polite, sweet voice, I stated that I would start the line, and would make sure that Old Lady No. 2 got the Aqua Gator directly, right after me. Not to worry. I wouldn't let anyone else have it, but her. And to solidify my spot as next in line for the Aqua Gator, I began looking like I was very busy doing my arm exercises right next to Old Lady on the Aqua Gator. Yes, very intent, and very busy being healthy, and very next in line.

Old ladies No. 1 and No. 2 both made faces...but backed down. I would go on to be next on the coveted Aqua Gator. I normally just do five minutes. But, I did take the full ten minutes, relishing in my small triumph.

But, I'm on guard now. Yes, I am. The old people of Community Pool are a tough gang. And a driving force. I look to make sure that my walker was still in it's spot by the poolside. It did disappear for a bit one day, when an old man "mistakenly" took off with it. I look to make sure that my locker in the locker room hasn't been tampered with...that's happened before, too. With prison gangs use can often buy safety with money or cigarette, or selling some unfortunate poor soul out as jail booty. With the old people, I'm not sure. I may have to bake a pie or make ornaments or something corny like that...but it is for my own safety.

Yes, I will have to do that...lest there be no more turns at the Aqua Gator for me.

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.