Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Giving helps me to regulate my bowels

I am feeling reflective this morning over my coffee.
The funny thing about this holiday, is that I am the person now put in charge of the Holiday Party at work. Ironic, to say the least. However, in my personal struggle with the season, there is always some ray of hope that this holiday will be the one. That this holiday will be the one where people actually get it together and are nicer to eachother, and take in the actual spirit of the season.
It could happen. Not sure it will considering all of the 40% to 50% pre-Christmas sales that are going on. All of those mad dashes to the Wal-Mart riots to save pennies...the jury is still out on this season.
I planned the party. I organized the food, the White Elephant Gift Exchange, the place, the invites...etc. There wasn't really anything new in there, from all of the previous years. And every year, most people attend for what they feel is there rightly earned, owed to them, expensive, free meal from their bosses, everyone sits with their comfortable work allies, and then there is a mad, slightly crashed flurry during the White Elephant Gift Exchange to get the best under $10.00 prize (usually the Chia Pet Homer Simpson, or the Growing Flowers in a Mug for Your Desk Set.)...all of those same ole things. It wasn't feeling very festive, so I added a little something.
I decided that we should have a work choir. Now, it has to be a "holiday" party, not a "Christmas" party, as we have people of other faiths and it's just not politically correct. We're going to sing:
1. Jingle Bells, Batman Smells (2 verses I didn't even know there was a second verse until yesterday. How cool is that?!?)
2. Randolph the Bow-Legged Cowboy (something my own father made up, to the best of my knowledge, and has sentimental value)
3. Grandma got run over by a reindeer
4. (Then the serious one to be especially performed by two selected people) Chestnuts Roasting Over An Open Fire
5. (We will pass out the lyrics.And everyone will join in.) Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree - final
Only a few people were actually into it. I wanted it to be funny. Some people told me, absolutely no way in hell would they join the group. One guy in particular wanted to know what was going on. I asked him why he wanted to know...he wasn't going to have the constitution to be involved. He said I should try him. So, I did. He said that was the stupidest thing he'd ever heard. I said, told you so. What I think is weird is that people would care so much about making fun of themselves and entertaining work people...Are these truly people you care about making an impression they're your best friends? Whatever. And some people thought that I was being sarcastic and shitty...well, I'm not. These are all silly songs that everyone secretly sings every season. Don't play.
And for the people that were into this with was very fun...the spirit was there, and growing. Some of the people that are into it with me, are some people that I don't usually get along with, and yet, here for the season, we've agreed to lay down our sharpened pencils and the deadly permanent markers, put away the strategic email moves , come forth from our battle stations (/cubicles), and join together in joyful song.
I might just get to pull this off. Cool.
To continue my holiday giving, I am also going to donate my $1.20 to the Central Texas Rainbow Families
As a member, I'm trying to help them get their non-profit status. If all of the members donate $1.20, then they/we are a shoo in for this. One dollar and twenty cents is the cheapest way to cleanse my soul that I've found this season. Feel free to do so as well. It couldn't hurt anyone to be kind, even if not into the cause.
I also am trying to get this random woman some help. As I'm still in Physical Therapy, there is a woman that I see every time I'm there, and she is currently without power at her house. Long story short...she fell into some trouble, and is back on track now (really, fantastically, back on track), however, since she works for minimum wage, and you cannot turn your power back on until you have paid your previous outstanding bill, she is without heat and electricity.
The City, as of September 1, 2005 has negated making payment arrangements with persons who have previous outstanding bills. So, today is our first freeze, and she has no power. That's nice. She has never asked me for anything. We just bullshit at Physical Therapy. Sharing life complaints, etc. She's cool, and could use a break with this one. Today, I'm going to see what I can do.
In my own life, certainly I have fell into trouble. And if this is truly the season of giving and if God does forgive, than who am I not to contribute.
I brought this woman's situation to one person's attention, and that person's response was given the entirety of the situation - how do I know that this woman wasn't going to take advantage of me, or was lying? I said that I didn't care about that. That wasn't really the point of giving or helping. If her story lacks credibility, then that's on her, and her heart. I'm still going to try to help her. Plus, I've seen the old bill. And the thought of being in the dark, without heat, in this city and country of decadence, well, that's really stupid. We have so many arguments about doing the right thing...too many.
There are other points that I could make for sympathy about this woman's situation. More details, I suppose. And eventually, it may come to that. Having to manipulate people into caring...finding the right buttons for compassion. I like her enough to do that, if it's needed. But, maybe it won't come to that. Maybe people will stand up and surprise me. I got a few people to sing silly songs with me and wear felt hats while doing, who knows what will happen today... using my power for good instead of evil.
If you've done some good, or are considering doing something good...feel free to post a comment about such activities.

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.