Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Every can of peas has a story

I woke up at precisely four o'clock this morning. I don't remember dreaming. I was tired yesterday...worked hard...came home, made dinner, exercised, talked with my family...crashed out in my clothes, to the sounds of the television. I thought that I might just close my eyes for a minute...just for a minute...then it was four in the morning...and my body was done sleeping.
Yesterday seemed to whiz by so quickly that I'm not sure I can recall many specifics. It's a strange thing to have an entire day, and entire chunk of time, just gone without many recollections of it even happening.
The idea that our society, our planet, our birth, our universe is all connected by tiny little forces in amazingly interesting.
I fell asleep listing to the show NOVA. This particular NOVA was about String Theory. Something I've read about before. Physics is a bit interesting...not so much that I want to do the work of it...but I am interested in the results of other's works. Yes, lazy, perhaps. When you look at anything...say a pen...made of atoms...then your hand...made of atoms...your hand picking up the pen...atoms...motions, forces, particles, atoms, all of it. There is a lot going on in everything all of the time. We are more complicated and heroic than we believe. And to think that we are constantly evolving our greater consciousness. We will change these tiny forces as well. Everything we do, does have an impact or everything. This is a fact. Is it preordained? Unknown.
We are changing the physical universe all the time. This all leads credence to the metaphysical world, the incorporeal world, not being so immaterial after all. Sobering thought, perhaps for some. And this discussion, or train of thought makes every fairytale, every wish, every inventive thought a real living, material thing... as real as any solid rock. That there is no thing, nothing that is not without a body...everything being relevant and consequential.
Every, single thing having value in an actual material form. Incorporate this thinking with the chaos theory that is really about finding the underlying order in apparently random data. A giant file cabinet of activity, that's perhaps not as random as we believe on the surface. Even the trip to the grocery store, where a can of peas dropped out of your basket, to dent itself on the floor, and land back on the shelf where is started in the first place, for the next person to shrug and take the dented can - is filled with activity, and influence on a miniscule level. Random? Not Random? Influential, none the less. Was that can of peas already predestined to go somewhere else, because of some line in the universe? Or did you just create it's destiny? Think about your've been busy.
As we are changing, is the pen mightier than the sword? Hard to make that call...anyone counting the atoms?
How will we choose to make our existence within these forces of nature and universe? How will I?
So, maybe there's no wonder why I couldn't remember the day. Very busy. Very busy.
Two quotes to leave you with:
"It's a lot of fun to explore a new medium, but even more exciting when the medium is evolving, because the newness is replenished by continual innovation."
"Our society needs to be remade, not just just mended. The world only changes because we do."
- Marilyn Ferguson...The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980s

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.