Friday, November 25, 2005

I don't mean to be a ball buster during the holidays.

I wondered what happened to Cindy Sheehan.
I had to wonder about the whereabouts of Cindy Sheehan.
America is so fickle about our causes. We drop them as fast as they seem to come up.

What I admire about this woman was her ability to single handedly rally her cause without violence.

In that, the President and others in power should learn a lesson. She has no guns, no body piercing armor, no weapons of mass destruction. I can't hardly stomach that the phrase "Weapons of Mass destruction", it is a real phrase that everyone's ok with saying. All these countries making their armies, and their weapons, for what?!? Do we really need all that shit?
As a planet, we have collectively made a grand pile of crap. I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't care to have the finest of everything, I'm happy to what's up with the world of greed?!? Is there really such a big deal on fine wine, clothes and caviar? Would I personally need to experience all of that?!? Nope.
I have, in my lifetime, experienced some of these so called finer things. And they aren't that cool. I've had just as good a time on cheap whiskey and good conversation. Yes, indeed...Cheap whiskey is a great memory maker. I've had a great time in my life looking at naked men without armor on....Yes, I have.
I watched the history channel yesterday - it's filled with wars and treaties and the like. Grand guns and paper promises. Our history is bound by other people making decisions for us. We have always seemed to lack the ability to be free thinkers. We are collectively stuck in the herd mentality, just like cows and sheep and schools of fish. Need I remind us all, that herds always just get eaten. Look at the bison...Where are they now? Herd mentality is extremely overrated.
I suppose this came up for me, as it does every year, on Thanksgiving. History tells us that we supposedly sat down with the Native Americans and ate, peacefully and in the spirit of sharing and caring. But, as grown ups, we know this not to be the true story.
Where are all the Native Americans now?
We did not sit down and share and care. Our forefathers and foremothers raped and pillaged until the Native Americans were reduced to small plots of poverty stricken, casino laden, drunken escape. That's what was shared with them. We gave them disease and called them evil. Do the Native Americans left today celebrate Thanksgiving? I've never seen a news program on that subject. What were they all doing on the reservations yesterday?
So, every Thanksgiving, there I sit with my internal struggle. I want to be thankful for all that I have. And I am thankful for all that I have. I'm just not sure that this is the day that we should all be doing it on. And I'm certainly not comfortable with the fact that this national holiday is based on lies. Is that what I'm supposed to teach my child? Lies and rape and pillaging are supposed to be celebrated?
I don't mean to be a ball buster about it.
I'm just saying, that for me, it's a weird holiday. And no, I didn't explain all of this to my child, but I will. No need to ruin his day, especially when he decided to venture out and try new foods at the dinner table.
But, yesterday, our President called some of our troops. He called them from his dinner table, in his warm house, with his warm food, with his warm family. I seem to recall a time in our world history that conquerors went out with their men to fight. That they were there on the grounds of the battle first hand. That hasn't been for some centuries now, I suppose. Or maybe it only happens in some smaller, remote places.
I would have more respect if that occurred nowadays. We've made it so very easy for our leaders to send us to our deaths. I would not give up my child or my man for this cause. I'm reluctant to give them up for any cause. We've made it very easy for all of us to kill eachother as well. Bigger buttons, bigger weapons. We've taken the heart out of killing for a cause. We no longer have to face our so called enemies. My Grandfather went to wars, and he truly bore the scars of having to face his enemy in death. He watched them die, sometimes in his arms. He carried that with him. And if we are going to kill in the name of some cause, we should bare those scars. We should look the death of any other human right in the face, and bare witness to it. Death and war should not be comfortable ever.
But, we can sit in the comfort of our own homes and watch our TV's. How noble we've all become. Isn't it wealth and nobility that these people are after? Well, they've missed the fucking point.
And then there's the likes of Cindy Sheehan. She holds us responsible for our actions. I admire her for that. I cannot, in my heart of hearts, believe that we cannot work matters out world wide without weapons.
I talk matters out in a much smaller scale every day. I do not have to carry a gun around to solve my problems. I would be arrested for that type of action. Therefore, I have a hard time believing that this cannot be done on the larger scale.
Perhaps we should all make better use of making Citizen's Arrests. With the likes of all the scandals going on in government these days, can we do that?, make Citizen's Arrests?!? That would be grand.
(Mental note, Check Into Citizen's Arrests for Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Halibertain Directors, Dick Cheny, FEMA officials, etc. Also, note, I am not a Republican hater, just a scam artist hater, look into Democrats in power as well for Citizen Arrest list.)
What if we all just refused to fight about anything. What if all of us, not in power, just refused to fight, world wide. Everyone.
Then what would the people in power do then? They would have to get their hands dirty. They would have to go to work. They would have to do their fucking job. That's what would happen. And good enough for me, good enough for them. If you want the finer things in life you should have to work for them, right?!? Right?!?
Maybe the world leaders could just arm themselves and we all pick a spot and they could duke it out. If they want to fight, let them. I just don't want to.They could have sticks and stones, etc. I'll bring cheap whiskey, what will you bring?
Maybe next Thanksgiving we could just do that. No one anywhere, do anything. No working, no nothing. Then we would all have something in common and something to be truly thankful for. We could drink, eat and be merry, and they could fight.
I can dream. Yes, I can dream. You may dominate my body, and maybe even my mind, but never my heart and spirit.
I love you Cindy Sheehan. And I am thankful that you are out there.

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.