Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Dirty Money and my friend T.

So, I awoke with a song in my heart...ok, not really. I've been worried about money. So, fucking worried. My knee injury cost me in pay, which I was barely making it anyway. I was at the end of my credit cards, and the end of my savings, and was just about to break into my secret quarter stash when my paycheck happened. This was the first paycheck since getting hurt and going on Worker's Comp. Having a long history of always doing without, the worry of that will probably always haunt me. And now that I have other people to be responsible to, besides myself, the fear is amplified by a million, stored in a tiny hard grey rock in the pit of my stomach. My Grandmother saved bits of aluminum foil. There might be a connection.
But, it's amazing. Being the lucky Sagittarius that I am, my check covered my bills and then some. I couldn't believe it. I am safe for another month. Now mind you, I am lucky in that way. Not win the lottery lucky, but just enough not to ever seem to completely sink. Always by the hair of my chinny chin chin lucky.
I also saw my friend T. today. He's a comic and has been gone for a bit. But, there he was, right on the street. Nice to see someone at work that doesn't have anything to do with your work. That's the best ever!!!!
People always stare a bit, and wonder how you know that person, and what you're talking about, because they can't be included in the conversation as they are "work" people, and this is a non-work person. I'm going to try and have a lunch with T. soon. Seeing him made such a great break. He made this a actual break from work. And he's handsome, all the work ladies said so. As a geeky girl with a big ass, I am fortunate, again, to be surrounded by good looking smart guys. It works for my image and my libido! You can lose with a combination like that! You just can't!
I should auction all of my guy friends off and raise myself some money. Some call this pimping, I just call it capitalism. They wouldn't have to do anything that their not comfortable with.
The day did start off as a promising day. Even people at work seemed to work in harmony of sorts, and I accomplished a far amount of stuff. Some people have been very rude about my leg injury and having to occasionally help me. But, not today. That was a very cool change. I didn't have to emotionally pay in guilt for asking for help. Even Stinky was strangely compatible. Perhaps the weather change has brought out the best in everyone.
Next it was off to physical therapy. I found, that although I'm doing "okay", but I should be doing better. The therapists really put me through the ringer today. And it is a weird relationship of sorts. It's my leg and my life, but somehow a person doesn't want to disappoint these people, who have made it their career to torture/help people. I am supposed to be more weight baring on my leg, that fucking hurts, like a son of a bitch. The therapist's faces were all in range of disappointment with my progress. However, not a one of them has had an injury as severe as mine, so I question their experience a bit, and they all have to admit that their flying blind on this one - which is comforting.
And sometimes, I feel like such a dork. Today in the pool, for instance, I had to pretend like I was ice skating in the water. There I was, trying with all of my might to pretend ice skate in water. Every exercise has a name and a pretend event that you have to imitate. Who in the hell ice skates in the water?!!?! I think I would have an easier time at it if I could drink, have a little cocktail before the workout. I've done lots of stupid things when I was drunk. It would be perfect. I'm sure it's a violation of some sorts. However, there is not sign posted to that effect. And in my current gimp state, there should always be accurate postings, to make sure that I clearly understand all of the regulations. In big, giant red letters. Yes, a big sign.
It would certainly make taking the retarded girl laughing at me a bit easier. She did laugh at me. And why wouldn't she? I'm a grownup with little balance trying to ice skate underwater!!!! Who wouldn't find that entertaining.
There was a guy rubbing his wiener through his shorts today in the pool. He's a head injury case. I saw him doing it, but I thought I wouldn't say anything. He was off by himself, and he seemed to be having a good time, and I wasn't working on that side of the pool anyway.
It was an elderly lady that told on him. His eyes don't seem to focus well, so it was hard for anyone to determine if it was one of us in the pool that caught his fancy or just some random thought in his mind. Hard to say. I didn't think the old lady should have said anything as she's only a community pool swimmer not an actual patient. Someone could have instructed her to mind her own business, as that was just part of his therapy. She's the annoying busybody that took my water treadmill out of turn the other day. And I've seen her tap another old lady with her cane who wasn't moving fast enough out of her old lady way. Nosy parker. Head case was made to get out of the water. He just went to the bathroom. I'm sure he went in there to finish up, so I'm not convinced that the old lady really stopped anything. Maybe he did stop. Maybe he just likes the water. I could have it all wrong.
Being a gimp is hard. I kinda' get it from all sides. And I found out that I will still be with my walker for a bit longer. I'm bummed about that. I don't get to go to the snazzier cane yet. I'm tired of the walker. It makes me look stupid. And I do my exercises every day. I'm not cheating, or anything. But, for a fat chick that smokes, this type of process is damaging beyond belief. Name me one cool person with a walker. And if you have one, you don't count. And if you have some obsessive attraction to people in walkers, you, also, do not get a vote.

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.