Tuesday, August 20, 2013

So you think you're better than me? Okay...We are at an impasse then.

Talking with a friend who is still working.  He was having issues with someone who was talking down to him...thinking they were better than my friend.  How annoying.  And always middle management, how boring.  Total time wasting snore.

It only works if you believe it to be true. You have to put of a serious wall of Ignore.  And they won't stop.  They can't, it's not in their nature.  AND -if they are better than you, there is always someone better than them, and so on, and so on.

I have a personal list of people that I think are better than me. People who I feel insecure around, people who I marvel at, people who humble me.  But, the people who really think that they are the ones better than me, never seem to make it onto my personal, very exclusive, private, invite-only list. You might remind them that they are just not on your list. I would do that.  Sorry, access denied, back of the line, please.  

I recently had someone tell me that they were smarter than me.  I didn't know what to say to that.  I could have fought about it, I guess.  Brought all my friends to testify.  But, you can't fix other people and their opinions.  I marveled a bit, that someone would think that much of themselves with such conviction that they would need to say it out loud - really need to say it out loud   

I tend to think if you have to say it loudly, then it's a bit of "no matter how many times you say it, it won't make it true" business.  And, of course, I didn't believe it.  What a silly thing to say.  We all know who's really the smarter one, here.  Silly-billy. Pat on the head. All I could say was, "Okay".

I was deeply hurt and damaged, early on.  And now, I'm busy.  I don't sit in hurt as much as I did before.  I don't seem to focus so much on it.  It could be age and experience.  It could be lack of being in touch.  It could be a host of things.  I think once you've been hurt deeply and recovered...lived to tell about it and go forward from it, then whatever someone tries to do or say becomes like water off a duck's back.  No one can ever repeat what has already been down before.  Like a sequel to a movie, never-ever as good as the first one.  

Maybe it's a case of when your younger, we all believe that everyone is going to be our friend, our partners in building an awesome world and sharing stuff.  Then, at some point, you realize that there are billions upon billions of people on the planet, and you realistically cannot be friends with everyone....Oh shit, how tiring THAT would be.  Save that woman that give hugs to everyone.  People line up for her.  I think she's got an fantastic friend mission, but can't personally be involved with everyone, has to be cut off at the hugs.  But, total A for effort with that one.

I was reading some psychology and neurology texts.  We have discovered that some people's brain development stops a bit after a traumatic incident.  I'm not saying actually brain damage.  I saying development.  We can go ahead and put brain DAMAGED people in their own category  just to be fair and all.  Also, sometime in brain damaged people their brain remaps and stuff, so they may actually be quite brilliant and fine.  And sometimes they end up jacking off in public and not even realizing that's what their doing.  Definitely their own category.

Before there were names given to specific things like Peter Pan Syndrome, Wendy Syndrome, lots of others, etc.  Hell, it's even made it's way into Science Daily, the articles. Sometimes there isn't even a trauma, it's just the way people were raised.  

We apparently have a host of bat-shit-crazy-stuck people just running around rampant.  And you can't know who's got what from what and when.  From the nerd who got beat up, to the football player who peaked after that one goal, to the girl who was kidnapped and held as a sex slave, to the car accident victim, the kid who got the belt, the kid who got the trust fund ....Oh, the list can just go on and on.  

Yes, the thought of that should make us all a bit paranoid today.  You can thank me for making that connection.

Oh, they could get fixed, with therapy, and maybe religion or something.  However, is it unlikely that's going to happen.  Probably not. 

So, my dear friend, what say you?  Shall we sit, scared? Paranoid? Annoyed? Or can we go around and have a piece of cake and some coffee?  Maybe something exotic to our region? There are planets, there are bugs, there is a nice breeze....a breeze....a breeze that we can't even see, but know it's there.  Those people are only seconds in your life.  And right now, we have seconds to use as we like.  

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.