Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Silver Spiders

If there is truly order in chaos, than that does negate the very thing. Maybe there is ONLY chaos, or maybe there is ONLY order.

I am supposed to be watching my son perform his movie, he did make us tickets, but sometimes he pretends the same...and it is so hot, and my clothes are sticking to me, my brain is a bit foggy. I am distracted by the giant spider web to my right, hanging from my three story tree. The tree was so damaged in the storm, gnarled up, I'm glad to see the spider has some use for it. I watch the spider go around and around making the web, so fast, so busy, in the humidity. She finally sits in the center and waits; her body reflecting the light, making her completely silver, as though she was her own welcoming beacon for the suicidal insects....a whisper of comfort. I was torn. I wanted to strum my finger just once or shoo a bug into her web - but the nagging fear that I would upset something halfway across the world, those theories written by madmen with OCD. Did they see the silver spider, too? And then the oil spilled for them as well?

My son fired off his gun against the insurmountable foes of our backyard. I turned my head, never seeing the spider capture anything. And the web was gone by morning. I never tested one theory, or by the nature of it, had I.

1 comment:

Ric Williams said...

i love spiders. silver ones are a special bonus of spideriness.

The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.