Monday, May 29, 2006

Who's land is it anyway?

What I find interesting about this is that I understand why the Supreme Court upheld the rule last year; although I find in a very dangerous road to start going down, and just because I understand it, doesn't mean that I like it. Wal-Mart somehow has presented itself that this great champion of the poor, with it's crappy low wage jobs, and it's even crappier food and home furnishings. And the cost of everything has been driven to the point that the poor are caught in a cycle of working for crap to buy the, of course, I do not believe that they are the champions of small communities that need the revenue to keep up. I believe that they are Capitalist Salepeople trying to make a buck, just like everyone else who's a Capitalist. And since we condone Capitalism, what are we to expect. If you want companies to start behaving better, then you have to stop buying from them. Our society is completely market driven. The people who shop have all the power. Entice those shoppers with something else and they will move.
People who are desperate will make sacrifices to better their lives, even if those sacrifices are laid out in taking of farm land and huge traffic jams, and low paying, crappy insurance jobs. That's not really helping them or the towns they live in. It's Wal-Mart in Sheep's Clothing. Wal-Mart does not feed the poor, it feeds off of the poor. We should clarify that mistaken identity.

And I am disappointed that again we have to have an affluent community set the example. However, I am happy that the example is being set. The example that the laws of Eminent Domain can work both ways...not strictly for the Giants of Doom, such as Wal-Mart.

And it is my sincerest hope that in this case Wal-Mart does not triumph of the will of the little people. They have certainly made enough money for their families to live comfortably for the rest of their, in my opinion, they do not need to take over the world, one small comunity at a time. They could try the tactic of enjoying what they've made, and make room for the next guy.

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.