Monday, May 29, 2006

Shopping with June Doe

Here are a few events that may attend, or shop from, and I believe in my heart of hearts, these places and people have saved me from a life of boredom and poor health. Love, June Doe

Don Snell - Artist
Annarella is in Georgetown, TX
800 S. Austin Avenue, next to the Palace Theatre

Don Snell and Ruth Roberts hope to see you on Friday, June 2

Secret-Oktober - Clothes, Shoes, Badges and more
Hello!This is a reminder that we are going to have an event called a craft swap.You bring your old/unwanted craft or art supplies, and trade them to other people for their old stuff. I know everyone has some craft project that they will never get around to finishing, so clean out your closets now!Thanks!Secret Oktober
1905 S. 1stAustin, TX 78704462-9217

Earth Angel Oils-Aromatherapy, Theraputhic Blends and More


of 100% Pure Essential Oils on eBay *Earth Angel Oils is introducing our excellent collection of individual oils in our eBay Store! Our essential oils are carefully chosen for their therapeutic benefits and also for their aesthetically pleasing qualities.

To help us launch our individual oil campaign on eBay, please check out our NO RESERVE Penny Auctions this Holiday weekend at

All of our oils are 100% Pure and have no additives of any kind. These are the same high quality therapeutic oils used in the more than 200 Earth Angel Oils blends. They are the finest oils that we can obtain, and only from trusted sources. We have served the essential oil needs of health care professionals for 17 years, and are now pleased to bring to eBay this selection of therapeutically excellent and aesthetically pleasing 100% pure essential oils. High quality essential oils at great prices. Shipping combined for even greater savings!

Earth Angel Oils. 281-354-0418

Who's land is it anyway?

What I find interesting about this is that I understand why the Supreme Court upheld the rule last year; although I find in a very dangerous road to start going down, and just because I understand it, doesn't mean that I like it. Wal-Mart somehow has presented itself that this great champion of the poor, with it's crappy low wage jobs, and it's even crappier food and home furnishings. And the cost of everything has been driven to the point that the poor are caught in a cycle of working for crap to buy the, of course, I do not believe that they are the champions of small communities that need the revenue to keep up. I believe that they are Capitalist Salepeople trying to make a buck, just like everyone else who's a Capitalist. And since we condone Capitalism, what are we to expect. If you want companies to start behaving better, then you have to stop buying from them. Our society is completely market driven. The people who shop have all the power. Entice those shoppers with something else and they will move.
People who are desperate will make sacrifices to better their lives, even if those sacrifices are laid out in taking of farm land and huge traffic jams, and low paying, crappy insurance jobs. That's not really helping them or the towns they live in. It's Wal-Mart in Sheep's Clothing. Wal-Mart does not feed the poor, it feeds off of the poor. We should clarify that mistaken identity.

And I am disappointed that again we have to have an affluent community set the example. However, I am happy that the example is being set. The example that the laws of Eminent Domain can work both ways...not strictly for the Giants of Doom, such as Wal-Mart.

And it is my sincerest hope that in this case Wal-Mart does not triumph of the will of the little people. They have certainly made enough money for their families to live comfortably for the rest of their, in my opinion, they do not need to take over the world, one small comunity at a time. They could try the tactic of enjoying what they've made, and make room for the next guy.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A yelling match with myself about the stupid

What were we all told? The devil has many forms. And it seems that since there's always a way to defeat the devil, well, the devil doesn't seem to be very bright. Poor, stupid close to world domination and then, by golly, someone does something good, and the devils plans are foiled again. What an existance it much me to be the be a constant failure. Yes, what an existance that must be.
I am not unlike other people. I want to be a good person. I want to do good things. But, we all struggle with our internal demons. I don't want to always live in a heart filled with anger and violence, but damn it, some days that's hard to get out of.
This week the sheer amount of stupid, just plain stupid was thrown at me, at a blinding rate. Today, I am angry. And, I haven't exactly decided what I want to do about it, but that thought is boiling. And I suppose that when it becomes clearer to me, everyone will know. I'm not one to do things on a small scale. And I can not longer just sit on the sidelines thinking. I have been called to action by the stupid. I'm not sure if it's volunteering, letter writing or joining a rally or two, I just don't know. But, I have been called to action by the stupid. I have been called to action by the stupid.
Let's start with the smallest of the small stupid things. The place that I used to work, is crumbling. I have never worked at a place that has drawn so many people to join forces and leave...and then stay in touch, to watch the house of cards fall. I have never had that experience, until now. The sheer dislike of the owners and others in power, has drawn people together, who would normally never talk. Yes, through adversity, we saw how different we really weren't. What a shocker! We all converse on a fairly often basis. We have spys on the inside giving us the scoop...or shall I rephrase...we have other in the trenches that we have yet to help get out...that's really more like it.
I learned this week that the one I call Crazy Lawyer has topped herself, really topped herself. She said, outloud, that in her heart of cold dead hearts, she beliefs that in the next ten years, science will prove that being poor is genetic, that there is, in fact, something physically wrong with poor people. Was I there when she said it? Nope. This is strickly hearsay. However, I was there to countless numbers of times when she said similar things, and acted out in a manor only fitting for a ruthless queen of some bygone time. This is a woman who can't figure out which password goes in which box to turn on her computer, and would scream that the computer was just messed up AGAIN!!! A woman that has more money than sense, and who's beautiful daughter is under thirteen and is on a diet, and this little girl would beg all the secretaries for food and candy. Yes, this was the type of woman who said this.
And I'm not sure that this woman is aware that people have kept folders on her actions and displays...actual folders of infomation and examples. I'm not sure this woman gets just how much she is disliked. For that, I guess I can feel a bit sorry for her. That is her accomplishment, she's has banded a bunch or ragtag poor people against her...What an accomplishment to hold dear to your heart.
I am not rich. I am not the poorest of the poor either. But, I would gladly give up everything, if it meant that I wouldn't have to be a person like her. Completely out of touch with this beautiful planet and all of the things that it has to offer. Including, but not limited to, science that does so much more than look up genes that make people poor.
What a completely stupid woman. Completely stupid. Could choose not to be stupid, but chooses to remain stupid and breed stupid. Is there a gene for that?
Next. On to bigger items of stupid.
I learned of a story this week, where a sixteen year old transgender child was thrown out of her home. Several grown ups were looking for a foster home for this child, so that she might have remained in the area, and finish school. A child written off, just like that.
The story continues that the Texas Children Protective Services. And how there may be new rules against Gays and Lesbians from having foster children. What?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!?
I might give the right wing, Christian movement more pause if they proceeded to have an alternative plan for these children. I have not heard of one yet.
I'm not sure how you write off your own children with such ease. Nobody makes people fuck...and we all know what happens when you fuck. And then, we all know the difficulty of raising a child. This is not news. If you're messed up, on drugs, whatever, you get off your stupid ass and you get your shit together and you raise that child! The child didn't hatch a plan to ruin your did it!
Now, lets say you really just can't do really is that hard. Ok, then the child goes into a system, that's not a great system, but it is a system. If you can forgive yourself for that, then there is a system. And some of the people in that system are foster parents who are Gay and Lesbian, and some are Hetero. No person fucks in front of these children. They are feed and loved, and clothed, and loved.
How can you make a rule that says to that child that they cannot have the basic needs, after already being kicked to the can you, in a clear heart and mind, say to these children that they cannot live in these homes because of this one item, this one personality trait, that makes up about one tenth of a tenth of a person? Me, being a hetero female is not my entirety. That part of me if very small. The rest of my body and mind are made up of so much more. And I'm not special, that's the rule for everyone.
And moreover, you might feel ok saying to this transgender child that what she feels is wrong?!? Feelings are neither correct or incorrect, they just are.
I worked at a porn shop in my younger years. Easter Holiday was my biggest selling day of the entire year.
It was not the Gay and Lesbian community that was buying porn that day. It was Straight Heteros doing the deeds. It was heteros buying porn in their Sunday, Going to Church, Clothes.
And, I might add that the amount of successful nudie bars in my area of Texas alone that are flurishing, are not Gay and Lesbian bars, they are Hetero bars. The amount of White Collar Crimes being committed in our own Government are not being committed by Gay and Lesbian members...they are Hetero. The amount of violent protests being committed are not by the Gay and Lesbian communnities, but by the Straight communities members. Shall I continue? Have we all gotten the point? I'll take a butch, transgender female, or a fruity, flighty gay man, or a mullet wearing lesbian any day over a right wing, Christian fuck. Yes, I will. Viva la homosexuality. I think they may become the answer to saving not only our children, but our very souls.
I also watched a news program this week where one woman was out trying to fight homelessness by herself. She would feed anyone who needed it, at anytime. This made the news. I admire this woman. But, this should be a regular item, in my mind, not a special occassion, news item. Good things happening have become news worthy...special. I am on the fence about it really. Perhaps we continue to focus on these few, good people until the message gets out, and everyone follows suit. Can it happen this way? That the bad news becomes the special occassion news items? Could this happen? Could we be so bold and smart? Not according to Crazy Lawyer we couldn't. And does anyone want to let her be right and win?
I expect better of women. We really haven't gotten it, how much power we can yield. We, as mothers, need to stop raising our babies to be such scary little mongrels. Stop pointing the fingers at matters that have really very little to do with the benefit of everyone. We could change, and change others. How about no war, no hunger, no drug addicts, etc. How about that? How about really telling our children and everyone else's children that they can be anything that they want to be. When did we become so afraid to do the right thing?
And before anyone thinks that they are speaking for me, a heterosexual female...well, please think twice. I vote, I am active in the community, and I am very tired of stupid. Right now, I am very tired of that.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Om, the true self, and the art of fine blogging

I hope I get in everything that I want to say this morning. At present, I just woke up from a dream of great magnitude and I am trying to comprehend it all - but the coffee is making it dissipate faster than I'd like it to, and the cat is pissed off and tearing up random pieces of my old dictionary and eating it. Fucking cat. I really love him, but when a cat is pissed off at you, they don't play nice. What's going to make it worse, is that I'm completely out of the fake mice that he likes to decapitate and torture. Frankly, I'm a bit afraid of what he'll tear up next if I let him in on that little tidbit of information.
There now...I've gotten him some catnip. He's much more calm, now that he's stoned. Yet, another reason to perhaps make pot legal. Take a hint from the cat. I don't care for it...but, you never see a stoned person freaking out and eating a dictionary....that's for sure. Perhaps if our people in office we more stoned, they'd be less likely to go off invading things, and more stay at home and share to potato chips, less greedy fine dressing and fine buying type. Just a thought.
Back to my dream. My dream recalled a past me. I am a recovering chubby chaser. If you can recover from such a thing. I loved chubby guys...not over obese...just chubby and manly. Once you've had a chubby, it's hard to come back from that. And chubby guys really are jollier, and more up for adventure, and though not have ridged muscles lines somehow turned off the rigedness of their mind and thinking as well. When your having sex with a chubby, there's no sharp edges or jaunting points...the only thing that's ever going to hit you is soft smoothness. It's all good. I raise my coffee mug to you, the chubby guy nation. I am fond of my chubby guy memories...oh the stories. You would find them shocking, I'm sure of it.
It dawned on me this morning that a diary or a blog, or whatever vehicle you can be just as you are. You're thoughts can be recorded just as you are. And we do spend so much time being not as we are. I was dreaming of a Junie that used to be. I was a bit more free. Then I had a child and the fear of others set I became a responsible, more conservative, masked human, in order to protect my child. Dreaming last night, I thought this morning if that is the legacy that I want to leave him with. Probably not.
I might be more inclined to be a right-wing, conservative, Christian type - as I had been led to be through all of my formative years - except for the amount of hypocrisy in that faction. Here in the US, in Texas, there was recently a National Day of Prayer. This group read the Bible from beginning to end, right in the State Capital Building. Everyone was offered the chance to come and join them. With the amount of poverty on the rise, the amount of war on the rise, drug use, gambling, and porn on the rise....well, I declined. I'm not really seeing the benefits of that culture. Nope, not so much. I was saddened that other prayer groups were not invited to join. If it was truly going to be a National Day...then the entire Nation should have been invited. And I can't even really get started on the separation of church and state that is no longer observed. God and religion is used to control the masses. That not so tangible promise that if you join, you're afterlife will kickass, more than your sorry shitty current life. I'm not sure that's what God meant. Why would we be given paradise and then be locked out forever? My only thought on that, it that God said to himself "Oopsy! I made a shitload of jackasses." And then, has left us to flounder alone until his embarrassing mistake just dies off, and hopefully goes unnoticed by the rest of the cosmos. Yes, a big, giant Oopsy...that's what we are. Poor God...everyone can make a mistake, right?
Anyway...I recently did a voice over, a narration of some dirty stories that a friend wrote. Hopefully, these will be made public soon. I think people will find them funny and entertaining, and probably offensive. One person that I know, who was completely offended by these stories, on every level, asked me why I would lend my voice to such a thing. Why not?, I said. I don't have to be the person in the story, I am reading the story. It's like acting. We don't really believe that a actor playing Hitler is really Hitler, do we? It's our imagination, that's it. Also, I think people need to be offended sometimes. Being offended brings you back to yourself. And saying offensive things is fun. When we tell dirty jokes or say a cuss's the same thing. And perhaps, in narrating these stories, I got to see the part of myself that remembers to be funny and carefree. So, I'm ok with that. And when my child is old enough to hear these stories, I'm ok with that, too. He should know what kind of mother he really had, and take whatever lessons he's going to take from that. I should not mask those lessons from him, frankly, that's not being a good parent.

I guess my dream was one of confliction. I miss the purple haired, sometimes drunk, tattooed, chubby chaser. How am I to get back to that person, when I just spent $100.00 on conservative clothes to mask myself at the office. It's funny how we do those things. As though, sitting in my Sammy Hager (who I don't like, and that's why it's funny) t-shirt, means that I would be less of a person, less of a diligent worker, dumber than normal worker. How am I do teach my child that he can be anything he wants to be, except in our world where that means not really? Are we to teach or children the fantasy or the truth? Should I tell him that the majority of people go to the prayer circle and when it's over attend the circle jerk to relieve their oppressive feelings? And how his own mother didn't escape this, as his own mother wore the conservative mask the majority of her life to feed and clothe him, but then wrote, painted, and lent her voice to sometimes dirty art in hope of retaining some of her own normality? Is that what we're going to say?

Am I to say that the world is only itself on the weekends?

Yeah, go ahead and tell me God isn't saying Oopsy.

The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.