Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Does the past follow you...OR, do you follow the past?

That is the question. Do I follow the past, or does it follow me?

Is it just one continuous circle of life. What about those among us who have simply disappeared, reemerged anew, some place else. Surely, even they didn't completely escape the past...the thoughts, the feelings, the smells that turn the senses and kick start the memories. Is it personal history that deems us to be exactly what we are? Or can our past lie there only as experiences to draw from, but not dictate.

And my personal history, as I know it, is mostly certainly clouded by selection and imagination.

Oh, how many people have covered this subject? And the answers? No answers, just opinions....that's what we have, only opinions.

And we do form our opinions, don't we? Yeah, guilty.

I have an upcoming show. I haven't wanted to write about the past, and I haven't wanted to write about the future.

When I talk, people always ask me if I was ever scared. I was never scared doing anything, or at least not enough to matter. I've only been scared of stopping.


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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.