Sunday, January 21, 2007

The sanctity of the group activity.

I've seen a lot. I'm rarely shocked, surprised, embarrassed, whatever, pick the word.
I was watching TV one night, flipping around. One channel runs this sex show sometimes instead of movies. I was hoping for a movie. It was the sex show. I don't watch it normally. I'm pretty ok with sex, I get it. But, this time I paused. This time I watched.
The segment was on a group of grown-ups that get together, get naked, and group masturbate. That's right. They do not have sex. They only help eachother masturbate. There are safe words, in case you get uncomfortable...or, whatever. They have toys. They give the person who's turn it is to masturbate in front of everyone words of encouragement. "Oooh, you're almost there." "You can do it." "You're so sexy."
I personally never need another person egging me on. I think that I would find that distracting. My quite time and my imagination are good enough for me.
I was sad to note that they do not where sweatbands like most people who are getting encouraging words during their work out get to wear. And it didn't appear that this group had nicknames of any sort either...another disappointment.
They said that they found the group because it was an opportunity to be in a group that didn't think masturbation was unnatural or dirty. So, to me, by saying that, they all did in fact think it was unnatural or dirty when they were by themselves. I thought some of them just liked the exibitionism of the group. Although no one would admit it. They also did not like the comparison of pornography that showed group masturbation...they did not feel like it was the same. I would note that they were now on TV, so to me, it's exactly the same. I'm not sure where the fine line is.
I have been perplexed by this. I have laughed....oh, I've laughed. How do you find a group like this? Is there an entrance exam to determine if you're right for the group, or the group is right for you? Can you observe once or twice before joining in? Or, if you do that, are you considered a watching perv, thereby negating your chance to join the group? Do you have to dress up? Can you show up without a shower first? If you like to hear special words being spoken to you, can the group accommodate that? and is there a limit? Is there a nap place afterwards, or do you have to get up, get dressed and get out? Are there snacks? a cheese and fruit plate?...petit fours?...sodas, wine? It just looked like a bunch of naked people in someone's living didn't look that sexy. It just looked a little boring. I've never wanted to masturbate in a group just at someone's house. "Sure you can sit by me on the couch...but, FYI, as soon as the recliner becomes available, I'm outty." Also, does the group let you in on who's attending beforehand? What if you run into someone you know? Like maybe someone at your office? Is that sexy or a social transgression? Do you have to supply all of your necessities yourself?...or is there a special trunk or group fund? Is this run on some kind of schedule, like every third Thursday or the month? If you do this at home, have you then cheated on the group? Nagging questions, that were not addressed or undressed in the segment. And I'm not about to go looking for the answers either. I already get enough junk mail without being added to this mailing list. Would their mailouts include coupons and handing tips? Maybe a get to know a new member sections or recognition awards?
There I was, I obviously had the time to watch this segment on the TV. I was glued. It was a little like watching the monkeys at the zoo...what would they say or do next....couldn't predict.
Silly people. I've never been a fan of being a part of any group...too much responsibility. This group seems a lot to bother with just to masturbate. All that work for such a relaxing event.
Who has the time?
Some people have the time.

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The Only June Doe LIVE (sometimes)

Most times I'm just trying to climb back into the closet. I often can't find my way or my pants.